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The Way of Heaven & Earth School Traditional Practical Taoist Life Skills

T’ien Ti Tao has been established in Norfolk, England since 1975.

It was fully tested by the Traditional Chinese Arts authorities and accepted in 1987 as “Genuine traditional Chinese arts.”

Our present Grandmaster is Prof. Myke Symonds, Shih-Jo. He has been teaching since 1973, studying health and healing since the late 1960’s.

Our non-retired Master Grades include:

Master Ian Draycott (Mid-Norfolk)

Master Lynda Lee (also Shiatsu Practitioner) and

Master Elton ‘PJ’ Whiting.

(All 20 year plus students of T’ien Ti Tao.)

Current T’ai Chi & Qigong for Health classes are being run from Poringland and Drayton.

The illicit and harmful Lock-downs changed many things and some classes had to close. We welcome enquiries for new classes and even in new areas.

T’ai Chi Ch’uan, or Taijiquan, is a most powerful and life changing Art. It should definitely not be underestimated by young people, who often think it is too slow or boring. It is far from boring and only the most perceptive of Minds will uncover its innermost secrets and benefits. Because it encourages relaxation and “empty mindedness” it can be fast and effective in self-defence.

The Taoist Arts are all about rebalancing, getting healthier and elongating a healthy life. These are not “drop in” classes and students stand to gain lifelong benefits and studies which are as deep as the ocean and as expanding as the Universe itself. So if you are looking for long term training, effective health and mental stability, plus enlightenment, then you have hit the right spot.

Nothing happens by chance.

Change begins within, then radiates outward, manifesting better things and setting one’s vibrations in tune with Tao (The Universe).
